abrishamchi P, attaran dowom S. Identification of Essential Oil Components of Salvia leriifolia Benth. and Evaluation of its Antioxidant Activity. Journal title 2015; 15 (2) :1-4
1- استاد دانشگاه
2- دانشجوی دکتری
چکیده: (7474 مشاهده)
Free radicals especially various kind of active oxygens, with destruction of biomolecules such as DNA and proteins, are believed to be the cause of many cancers. In search for antioxidative reagents, it seems that use of natural antioxidants especially those from plants, are of special interest. Salvia leriifolia Benth, from Lamiaceae (syn. Labiatae) family, is a native plant of Iran ( North of Khorasan) and Afghanestan with significant applications in medicine, pharmacology, and food industry. The aim of current investigation, was to recognize the composition of essential oil of S. leriifolia and perform a comparative study on the antioxidant properties of the extracted essence from plants grown in two regions of Khorasan (Neyshabour and Bajestan). According to Gas Chromatography – Mass spectrophotometric analysis, 1,8 Cineole, &alpha-Pinene and &beta-Pinene, were main components of the essential oilAntioxidant activity of essential oil were measured by three different methods, TBARS and BCB (two lipid systems) and DPPH (aqueous system). Antioxidative properties of the essence in both former methods were higher than DPPH assay. It was found that the total essential oil and its pure constituents have a significant antioxidant effect when tested by each method, respectively. BCB assay was the most appropriate method for measurement of antioxidant activity. The antioxidant concentrations influenced its antioxidant power, too. The essence of plants collected from Neyshabour showed stronger antioxidative effect compared to those from Bajestan.
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مقاله استخراج شده از پایان نامه |
انتشار: 1393/11/26