Abstract: (11733 Views)
The various species of Alveolina for biostratigraphy of Eocene sedimentary rocks are very important. In this research, the species of Alveolina are reported for the first time in three cross sections: Chalonak, Kalaterood and East Beinabad. These sections are attributes to Early- Middle Eocene age. The 55 samples collected from Chalonak section and the thickness is reached to 245 m. In this section, four biozones are distinguished. They are following: Alveolina globula-Alveolina solida interval range zone, Alveolina solida-A .globosa interval range zone, Alveolina globusa total range zone and Alveolina aragonesis total range zone. On the basis of index fossils such as Alveolinana avellana, A. aragonensis,A. globula, A. leupoldi, A. globusa, A. elliptica nutalli, A. rotundata, A. corbarica, A.solida, which are existing in these biozones, the age of this section is attributed to Early Eocene. Of course two species of Nummulites (Nummulites globulus, N. atacicus) and Cuvilierina valensis are determined in Chalonak section. The 80 samples are collected from Kalaterood section and the thickness is reached to 242 m. In this section, four biozones are distinguished. They are following: Alveolina solida- A. globosa interval range zone, Alveolina globosa total range zone, Alveolina aragonensis-A. canavarii interval range zone and A. canavarii total range zone. The several index fossils are found in this section following: Alveolina aragonensis, A. decipiens, A. Avellana, A. laxa, A. pasticillata, A. canavari, A . globosa and A. solida. The age of this section is Early Eocene. The 150 samples are collected from East Binabad section and the thickness is reached to 900 m. In this section, four biozones are presented. They are Glomalveolina lepidula – Alveolina solida interval rage zone. Alveolina elliptica nutali- Alveolina corbarica interval range zone, Alveolina corbarica total range zone and Alveolina ruetimeyeri-Alveolina levantina assemblage zone. There are several index fossils such as Alveolina corbarica, A. elliptica nuttalli, A.levantina, A. roetimeyeri and A. decipiens, Glomalveolina lepidula. The age of this section is early Eocene.
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Geology Published: 2015/05/15