Volume 16, Issue 42 (Geology New Findings 1/1- 2015)                   2015, 16(42): 37-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Masoodi F, Naderi F. Deformation Evidence for Regional, Contact and Dynamic Metamorphism in Aliabad Damagh Shear Zone (Hamadan). Journal title 2015; 16 (42) :37-56
URL: http://jsci.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1726-en.html
Abstract:   (14866 Views)
Aliabad Damagh region in southern Hamadan, is located NW of Sanandaj Sirjan Zone. In this region, different metamorphic rocks with a variety of fabric elements are exposed. In this research, metamorphic rocks were investigated based on the microfabric and temperature. In the area deformation occurred along the temperature variations path. Three generations of foliation and four deformation phases are present in the region. Porphyroblasts growth in foliation and microfabric evidence reveal that deformation began during regional metamorphism, while mica and chlorite crystallized as post tectonic minerals compare to S3 during retrograde metamorphism. The highest grade of this metamorphism is green schist to amphibolite facies.
Deformation elements in granite mylonite and metamorphic rocks in Aliabad Damagh region imply occurrence of regional metamorphism followed by a dynamic metamorphism which cause a widespread ductile shear zone. Deformation elements in carbonate mylonites, confirm the presence of a right lateral shear zone. Based on calcite twinning in mylonitize marbles the temperature of dynamic metamorphism is higher than 200 ˚C. Based on the effect of temperature on lithology, fabric and strain rate, the shear zone in Aliabad Damagh region is ductile to brittle.  
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Type of Study: S | Subject: Geology
Published: 2015/05/15

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