Abstract: (6475 Views)
Malachite green is a carcinogen and mutagen material that is not permitted by FDA as a fungicide for edible fishes. Alvita(sodium di acetate), is a fungicide and bactericide material which is admitted by FDA.The research has been done by two methods: invivo and invitro. In invitro, at first the eggs that fungi attached them, cultured on SDA, then fungi colonies pured. At last, Mucor and Rhizopus were known by Slide culture and morphological analysed. In the second phase, Alvita was added to SDA in 1,5,10,15 and 20 g/lit concentration. Then pured colonies, cultured on SDA with 1,5,10,15 and 20 g/lit concentration of Alvita. After 48 hours and one week, samples were examined. In blank(without Alvita), the fungi colonies grew, but no colonies grew on other samples with 1,5,10,15 and 20 concentration of Alvita, then 1 g/lit was recognized as a minimal concentration that any colonies didn't grow on it. In invivo method(which has been done in Niyak farm), there were 5 traphs for trout culture, that one of them was blank, three of them contained Alvita, with 1 g/lit for 30 minutes, 1g/lit for 1 hour, 2 g/lit for 30 minutes and one of them contained malachite green with 2 mg/lit concentration for one hour. All of examinations were done in triplicate. The results of study analyzed by ANOVA, with 95% confidence limit and(P=0.265), to show, concentration of Alvita(1 g/lit), is the best alternative of malachite green, between examined concentration.
Published: 2008/06/15