Volume 8, Issue 1 (صفحات انگلیسی از 1 تا 6(چکیده) 2009)                   2009, 8(1): 35-56 | Back to browse issues page

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The Study of the Effect of Mecrocyclic Diamid Dibenzo Sulfexide on Antioxidative Enzyme Activities, Oxidative Damage Biomdrkers ad Histological Characteristics of Liver and Testis in Balb/c mice. Journal title 2009; 8 (1) :35-56
URL: http://jsci.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1223-en.html
Abstract:   (6953 Views)
Dibenzo sulfoxide macrocyclic diamides possess a hydrophilic cavity surrounded by hydrophobic ring, which enable them to diffuse from cell membrane and interfere with different living systems including ion channels. This study evaluated cytotoxicity effects of this compound in a range of different doses on Balb/C mouse via inter peritoneal injection. Results showed that LD50 concentration was at 2500 µg/Kg.bodyweight. Histological evaluation of animals livers after one-week treatment to 1500 µg/Kg of this compound revealed insignificant changes in hepatocyte cords, portal area, sinusoids and cells of coopfer and hepatocytes with respect to control animals. On the other hand, Histological evaluation of animals’ testis indicated significant decrease in weight, seminiferous tubule diameter and volume of testis and also in the cell number of spermatogonia (A and B), primary spermatocytes, spermatides, spermatozoids and sertoli. In this condition of exposure, antioxidative enzyme activities of peripheral blood, liver and testis increased in a dose dependent manner and reached the highest and significant levels at 1500 µg/Kg. However, the increase in oxidative damage biomarkers including malondialdehyde (MDA) and dityrosine were considerable for peripheral blood and testis. Accordingly, the studied compound had toxic effect and could affected testis when the animals were treated with chemical agent subLD50 for one week. The liver didn’t show toxicity effect of this compound even at 1500 µg/Kg exposure for one week. It could be attributed to high metabolism potential and marked antioxidative activities of this tissue.
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Published: 2009/12/15

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